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When we think of Spirals, it's impossible not to think about the writer Junji Ito. Ito's Uzumaki tells the tale of a young girl who's living in a town that's becoming more cursed and twisted with each turn, and the enemy isn't a monstrous creature but a shape, a spiral. Everyone in the town eventually succumbs to their own spiral, getting caught in its loop and infinite misery. Ito reminds us with Uzumaki that the more we try to fight our way out of the spiral, the more times we end up simply swallowing our own tails. So often do people find themselves falling into a cycle, a pattern, a routine, a defense mechanism, and many of them never find a way out. This is what makes spirals so terrifying. However, spirals can also show balance, an infinite push and pull of black and white. We all get caught in our own spirals, and this panel will reflect the spirals of our panelists and how they found their ways out.

Death is not the end. When people speak about death and life, they usually put life at the beginning and death at the end. This spiral is seen as the beginning and the end, the start and the finish. But rarely do we speak about there being life in death.

A fractured something about my lived experience with mental illness, memory and coming-to-terms.
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